

Soul mates!
Soul mates are inferred to be together
Soul mates precise each other
A string is bound between two souls
Essences of two souls bang for each other
Sometimes they chortle together,
sometimes they squabble together
the string gets intertwined here and there
The string is armored between soul mates
Together they dwell vitality together
String retains them together in up-downs in vitality
Jointly they are vital to face obstacles
If soul mates are detached they are shaky
Together to formulate bonding powerfully,
You yearn to subsidize and care for each other,
You yearn to ratify each other's imperfections,
Waddle on the same hallway together fulfilling each other's fantasies
Love each other's inner elegance,
External glamour is ephemeral
Soul mates are meant to be together even eternity,
When strings eventually collide,
Soul mates convene each other's gaze,
Heartbeats together, pondering life together
It's fate to be together, cant be rectified
Together they dwell, a vitality replenished with elations and despairs
- Aira

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