


In the depths of hell, where shadows reign
A world of doom, forever in pain
Regret and agony, a burning sea
Where lost souls writhe, eternally

The damned cry out, in anguish and woe
Their screams echo, through the sulfurous glow
Their hearts afire, with remorse and despair
As they relive, the choices that led them there

In this realm of torment, time stands still
A never-ending cycle, of pain and chill
No respite, no peace, just an endless night
Where the weight of regret, crushes all in sight

The agony of what could have been
Haunts every step, every thought within
The roads not taken, the chances not seized
Forever lost, in the depths of their pleas

In this world of doom, where shadows roam
The light of hope, is but a distant moan
A fleeting dream, that vanishes at dawn
Leaving only darkness, and the bitter scorn

Of what could have been, of what should have been
The echoes of regret, forever unseen
The pain of longing, for a life un-lived
A soul forever trapped, in this hellish give

And yet, in this darkness, a spark remains
A glimmer of sorrow, a heart that still feels pain
A reminder of love, of life, of what's been lost
A bittersweet memory, forever the cost
@Kishor kumar
@Simran Gill
@Robbie mwirigi
@Heart boy
@Dr.manish rout
@Arabella oster
#Doom, #everyone #regrets
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