

Im Not Alone
Life had no meaning for you until someone came along and brought out colors into your life. Write a poem on it.

Reflections in the mirrors of my soul...
Of my lifes soul....
On where I used to go....
There used to be the moment where all was lost.....
All was lost....
All was lost until my heart came by....
Came by to remind me...
To remind me that Im not alone.
"I'm not alone"....
I aint alone.....
Past the old life to the new life....
And setting the old life back in...
Back in line....
I opened my eyes to see my own...
To see my own reflection smiling back at me....
My own heart beating for me....
My life letting me know...
Letting me know it'll be okay....
When I've had my share....
My share of dusted days....
They all went away....
Through the dripping rain....
It turned into a miracle kind of...
Kind of day....
Reflections of my heart...
Putting into motion...
Into motion that I will never...
Never fall apart....
Even when grudges hold me lose....
There's just me out of the blues....
When my heart stepped into my life...
And gave me a hug...
I knew from the start....
That... Im Not Alone
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