

My Melancholy
**this might become. asong someday**

oh my dear
please come here
listen to me
I need someone to listen to my melancholy

I'll whisper softly
shedding tears
of grievance for the morrow
I wish I could shed all this sorrow

oh my dear
won't you hold me
I am cold
I am lonely
oh come here
please now
hush me
I am only
a sad little shell
of my former self

oh my dear
please don't veer
I never had a lover let me be
my sad
my little
badly broken self
can you help
can you hold me
listen to my melancholy

oh my love
oh my life
can you take a stride with my strife
can you look past weeping eyes
and not at me like I'm compromised

oh my dear please come here
listen to me
singing a song of fallen cherubs
and lost narratives
melancholic longing

oh come here
oh just hold me
feeling me quake as I break a little more
it's not your fault
it's not even mine
I think my mind just ran it's time
so oh my dear
won't you come here
and can you please
just listen to and accept
my melancholy
© Jada E. Clark

#pain #melancholy #love #thebad #thesad #sadgirl