

Thoughts 2
Terrified. Shivering. Uneasy.
What is it that hides away in plain sight,
yet constantly it lurks.

How long will it watch me before I become a prey.
Before it comes out of hiding grabbing at my emotions.
Dragging me down, down, down.

Deeper than the core and under the rocks that hide secrets.
Will it come for me before I'm ready?
Maybe I want it to?

The shadows whisper my name while a figure emerges.
Who is this figure? What does it want?
I question myself and try to think.

As it comes out of the dark I start to recognize the figure slightly.
It's a version of myself I once tried to hide.
Forgotten and discarded when it became uncool.

Why does it now try to return?
That moment of my life it once existed
And that moment I tried to forget it.

How could it haunt me now when my life has just gotten what I feel is perfect.
But here it weights me down shoving its stringy fingers into my wrist.
Rasping a foul oder into my present.
© BearlyRaquel