

You are the North pole,
Im the South pole.
Even there I kept you at top.
No matter how much i rotate,
You'll always move away from me.
We were never supposed to join.
The only thing that connected us were the aurora borealis.
Beautiful just like you,
I considered it as a sign from you.
But it wasn't.
I was just in a delusion.
You already have your soulmate.
Thinking and praying for him.
You were in all my prayers,
I was never ever there in you thought .
I will never love anyone the way I loved you,the tears just worthless.
The heart which is used to the pain,
Cries no more.
Thank you for showing me the reality.
Thank you for making me love only my family and me.
You eyes are the ones that my heart still searches in every crowd.
My heart only yearns for you voice,
To listen to it every day,
when i wake up and when I go to sleep,
But it would only remain a wish forver.
Looking at your face everyday was the best thing that ever happened to me
How could I forget those?
The way you called my name still runs through my head.
You were the reason I changed and is still changing
Thank you
I have no reason to call you my love
Coz your heart is filled with him
Yet this broken heart yearns for you..
© @broken_piece