

One Minute Of Sunken Eyes
One minute,
Would be all I needed to change these sunken eyes of mine,
To show you what we have become,
Maybe you would haven’t given up so quickly,
Less complaisant to the will of fate,

You would view me with horrified eyes of what the cruelty of life,
Will bestow to us if you continue to sit by,
Watching destiny play it’s hand unknowing and naive,
That you had the ace hidden under your deck,

If you witnessed fate for one minute,
Would you change? and tear away all that I have now built?
Will we fall in love or fall into work.
Become better or become healthier?

These ‘what ifs’ plague me, torture my soul until it rots,
Just one minute to change fate,
One minute to gain fortune, health and confidence,
or lose that person who stayed beside us through the trenches of hospital beds.

Just one minute, to view these sunken eyes.


© Danifrayz