

The Finish Line in Sight
And the vibe is perplexing you towards the end of the race,
In a lonely, stony location,
Because the missing piece is bonded in a certain place,
In a faraway, poison-free constellation,
But don't give up and don't lose faith,
Keep pushing on with all your might,
For even though it's hard to face,
The finish line is still in sight.

Embrace the challenge, face the fear,
And don't let go of your dream,
The victory may be oh so near,
Just keep going, it may seem.

So don't let that doubt creep in,
And don't let it get you down,
You have the strength deep within,
To wear that victor's crown.

Push on my dear, you're almost there,
Just keep on going strong,
And soon you'll breathe that fresh, sweet air,
The music of your triumph song.

© shreyasirhittika