

To my dearest Mum, my hero so true,
A guiding light in everything you do.
With love and grace, you've shaped my life,
Through joy and struggles, calm through strife.

You're my rock, my strength when I'm weak,
A steady hand, a voice that I seek.
In your embrace, I find solace and peace,
A haven of warmth, where worries cease.

With tender care, you nurtured my dreams,
Believed in me, no matter how it seems.
You taught me to rise, to face every test,
To never give up, and always do my best.

In your wisdom, a wealth of knowledge untold,
Lessons of compassion and stories of old.
You're a teacher, a mentor, a beacon of light,
Guiding me forward, in the darkest of night.

Your love knows no bounds, unconditional and pure,
A love that's enduring, forever secure.
Through laughter and tears, you've stood by my side,
In every triumph and failure, with me you abide.

You sacrifice silently, without a second thought,
A selfless devotion that can never be bought.
You inspire me daily, with your courage and grace,
A testament to strength, in life's hectic race.

So, here's to you, Mum, my hero divine,
A love so profound, it's impossible to define.
I'm forever grateful, for the bond that we share,
In my heart, you'll always have a special place there.

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