

how it is to be a woman
do you know what it's like to be a woman
you must walk in Paris when it's dark outside and only walk the past where there's only street lights you must make sure that your phone is fully charged each time that you leave the house and remember to message your girls to make sure they got home safe after that night out cover your chest cover your ass cover your legs or the boys will decide whether or not to smash or pass shouting whistling calling out the names we can't even walk to the shop without fear of being kidnapped or even raped your dancing with the girls but there's hands all over your body and if you say no then it could be anybody the lengths we have to go through just to be safe crossing the road when someone else is behind us or even the fear of getting on and off the bus don't wear heels wear flats flats will be better because flats will help us run faster we can't listen to the music as we walk the streets alone just in case someone comes up behind us that week when it know you can't trust in man not even the ones you trust the most you get taken advantage of and having sex with us just to boost confidence I'm not an object I'm not a piece of meat I'm not a silly little girl I'm not someone falling at your feet the langths we have to go through and the things that we have to do the places we can't go and all the things we can't see here feel every single day do you know what it's like to be a woman