

When you're gone
I'll suddenly to met you,
the time has come in our life
you gave me joy and hope for
when i look into your eyes

i'll see the pain in your tears
you gave me purpose to live
all your strength is all i need,
because this person,i love

will death in weakness and pain
why i suppose to do for?
all the years and now youre gone
when youre gone,i regret for,

regretting myself alone
and i always ask myself
why did this person has leave me?
in times of battles,im weak

Im only poor and alone,
im cried and cried aloud voice
im felt tears into my eyes
until the days has to rise

you are gone into your death
the seasons has come,im strong
and strong in faith in my trials
when the storms has come,im strong

strong and honor in praises,
im pure in spirit and love
and when the person has come
i'll be in every both sides
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