


It was like any other day,
But for someone, it was a transition in May.
It had been a year she was bedridden,
That accident earned her a state of vegetation (coma).

What an arduous phase for an athlete it could be?
"You are half-mortal", freeze you plop in your infirmary.
There is no sign of motion you see,
Sheer breathing is the bare sign of activity.

" She is a warrior since birth", exclaimed her mommy,
"She will revive back " was her positivity.
The saviors had given up hopes,
Only God could save her they proclaimed.

They say mothers prayers shakes heavens too,
It was indeed sighted in this case.
After a few months, there were gestures seen.
"We doubt she would roam", the doctors presumed.

The devotion was still in Mother's eyes,
After a year a miracle thrived, Yes at last she revived.
Though it took a year for her recovery,
But she stood on her own, kudos to her bravery.

She walked barefoot in the garden of the hospital,
It was surely her home from the past one-year interval.
She walked on the green pasture with a smile,
The perception was incredible of breathing "Alive".