

Standing at the edge of a broken dream,
Her soul shivering deep in disbelief,
All torn and shattered on the reef,
With sorrow defining her beauty,
Yet she stayed till the end.

Her roar was heard by cliffs,
By mountains that were far from her pain,
With a shed of a tear she fell to the ground,
Her wounds had been cut open,
And the stream of blood poured solence to comfort,
Sadly it was all too deep to dry.

Her body become too light to move,
And the night had started falling,
With stars dim in an invisible galaxy,
The universe looked so angry,
With the lunar eclipse surrounding the darkness,
It is how she felt,
All red like a blood moon.

Her eyes were of the black dragon,
Sadly she couldn't let the spark turn into fire,
She couldn't burn down the agony she swam in,
Yet she seemed to have set her dreams to flames,
What could a hopeless soul do after all?

© Adelyn Moliepe