

Salt, Scars & Mirrors
I used to sip on Salt water because Salt water on my lips reminded me of you.
I used to inflict pain on my skin because I wanted to be reminded I was still human.
I used to stare into the mirrors in the dark so I could convince myself you were standing behind me.

Today I run my hands in water and wonder if you remember me.
I run my fingers over my scars and realized it's left me a time map of where I am and where I've been.
I stare into the mirrors, you're not there but I see you everywhere else even when you're physically gone.

It's a story and It's sad.
So people don't read it.
Maybe because it's a reminder life isn't always going to be what it should be. It's not always going to be what we want it to be.
Some people's lives sail in stormy seas their entire life but those are the people who have the most to teach & tell.
Stop fearing the tough conversations that throw you into deeper thoughts.
Life isn't going to shape you when you're always standing in the shallow.

-Anna Rose

© foryou_collection