

They say it's a river...
They say it's a stream...
No one sees my tears
Form a river and a stream...

They say love has a price to pay...
I've paid too much but I lost...
I get attached to people I shouldn't...
Here I am in this lonely place...

Everybody left me dying...
'Coz no one understands my pains...
No one understands my internal struggles...
No one sees the war I fight every day...

I wonder where to go when there's nothing left to feel
Where to go when there are no more tears to cry???
Where to run to when love became an enemy to my heart??
Where to run to when everybody left me alone??

Now tell me what's love... I don't get it still...
Why does it have to hurt this way😭???
Why does it have to make me suffocate???
Why does love hurt more than hatred???

© A_dying_Poet_The_Art_Of_Poetry