

everyone is filled with dreams.
You may say 'whatever your saying is trash'and I know why I'm in this life,but do you really know why?your a boss I know and you know it as well,everyone is their own type of boss and you control your life as much as God has plans for your life.

We all have different personalities and we all have different dreams that we want to achieve,many didn't achieve their goals and you have every chance to achieve yours.

Now you can make your own desicions and decide what you want to achieve and no one has the ability to crash your dream,you may fail but consider it more as a lesson and get better at it,the more you do something you don't want to do the more you fail and the more you don't achieve.

Try doing something you love,and believe in it,and try more in achieving your dream,we were given dreams for a reason and we have to achieve those dreams and prove those who had negative comments,know you are a dream chaser and they won't stop you from doing that.
© Shadow