

Forlorn Realizations. ..
I think about you every single day.
And every single moment.
But ...I know that I need to LET YOU GO.
Because holding on has become harder and harder for me.
As I have literally become a prisoner of my own thoughts...
And although I miss you so so much...
You have moved on...
And ...I have to realise that YOU'RE REALLY GONE.
Your life has carried on as normal.
Your life has resumed !
While I am still stuck here and reflecting on the past!!
How could I be such a fool for thinking we would last?
You were only after my appearance and body too ...
If only...if only I knew...
My intuition warned me...but sadly I was too naive...
Now I'm alone with so much grieve!
And sadly..you were just seeking a cure to boost your ego.
While I was blinded by love..thinking your my hero.
You did me dirty!
You did me wrong !
And yet you still have this power over me....
How ?! ..IS ..this even possible??
God please HELP ME because...
I'm so sick and tired of this energy!!
Why do you keep holding me back ???
And..WHY.. do the thoughts of you keep coming back to ATTACK ??

-© RainbowUnicorn