

I am mother
In the beginning everything is uncertain
You might dream
You might seek knowledge
You might receive knowledge
And as that one question floats back and forth in your mind
I can't be
Being your first reaction
I might be
Being your second
And as the days past by those words haunt you
With no resolution
You question yourself even further
Should I be
Should I tell
Should I not be
Knowing that my choice will change my life no matter what
I make my choice
Fearful I made the wrong decision
I willingly press forward
And as I question myself after every move
I try to ready myself for something that I have never done
As the days count down
I wait
Until the moment comes when it's time
As the pain and uncertainty fills my mind, body, and soul
I manage to fulfill my destiny
And as the pain and doubt fade
Looking into the eyes of something beautiful you realize something amazing
I have become mother