

Untitled Feelings
He comes to me like a breeze in the autumn,
Found him shining like moonlight got me moonstuck,
He loved me as naive as kids loving toys,
Broke me bad like mirror shattering noise,
I bleed down to his toes covered in reckless attitude,
He believes he is better than everyone,
Just a misunderstanding he take everywhere,
He would never find a love like me anywhere,
You would fuck around with underlying hidden tattoo,
You would come back to me like ocean to the archipelago,
Have you found better one than I,
Prolly you don't want one but I'm the noceur one,
Sleek lies and webbed evilness called out my door this once,
He came to me like an ocean breeze under warm sun,
I won't ever forget you the promise I've made,
I would get you or kill you in our own sake....

© Straighttoheaven

It doesn't actually need anything to have convo about but it's the truth I feel deep down in my heart ....