

Toughest path I follow
But my action is slow
I know where to go
But I don't have clue

All are giving suggestion
To make me out of depression
But no one ready to walk with me
The thing only do they annoying me

I fell I am alone
No one left in my zone
I tried my best
But I felt I should rest

I have long Journey
I met most of people worst
But some are really funny

They give me hope
What I feel now
my life have left some scope

I don't stop run
something I learn
No one cares about story
But the characters win glory

When my wounds starts blood
And Tears flow like flood
My mind thinks to stop
But my heart boost up

The best thing I learned
All journey is not fun
If you want to survive here
You should learn care and share

The peace is only thing I want at last
I try not to repeat the mistake of past
But my all efforts will go waste
If my soul will not in peace of rest