

Golden Days
#WritcoPoemPrompt49 @AtulPurohit
The days of slate and chalk,
Are not easy to erase,
They hold memories,
Of my childhood.

The lovely atmosphere of the school,
Winters were cool,
Children early morning trying to fool,
Giving different excuses for not wanting to go to school.

Learning different subjects,
Observing different objects,
Studying about different flowers and fruits,
And the different types of tree roots.

Different Craft and Drawings we would try,
We learnt different birds and their fly,
In KG class small kids would cry,
Some students by nature were shy.

Many things were mystery,
We had to learn history,
Heard from teacher fairy tales,
We liked to see Monkeys jumping with their long tails.

Carrying heavy school bags,
Labeling the books with different tags,
Exam was a big task,
Doing our best to score good marks.

In childhood liked to play different games,
Remember, teacher calling for attendance class students names,
Saying "present Teacher" is now a sweet memory.

Important part of our life are our childhood friends,
They cannot be forgotten or erased,
Modern education has introduced online trends,
With online trends, students are missing the fun of making friends.

Those things written on slate with chalk are erased,
But the things learned by writing on slate and those childhood day can't be erased,
This is my childhood golden days summary.

© Anwari Peshkar