

I think I always want the life of a high school sweetheart,
To relate to the words of Taylor swifts, lyrical art.
To join hands like the 2000s,
And get asked to prom with the song "i live you 3000"
But my year has already begun to tick it's clock
And the opportunity fiddles away.
I begun to wonder what the universe has in stored for me,
If there's anything,
Besides a lonely old stray.
If I'll be the wise to remind a young child, there may never actually be anyone.
To remind myself it's okay I never got someone.

On the other hand, maybe I want those college romances,
With the varsity teams and cheerleader comps,
With the lectures halls and libraries and coffee cups
Because then I could say he really fits well with glasses and his dark hair,
That the loosened shirt and matching trousers, matched the calm, focused spirit, oh so fair.
Then he'd sit next to me and ask me a calculated question and I'd pretend I understood,
He'll joke and say something unrelated, and I'd nod like an idiotic fool would.
He'll say goodbye unknowingly leaving a note,
With a number and date and the name of my favourite book.

Or maybe it'll be the story never happens at all.
And I tell a story to a young girl who may mimicked my fantasy that very fall.

Perhaps I may meet them then in an office,
He'll be the co-worker that eases ny stress.
He'll walk with a clip board and a satchel, humble written on his chest.
And some nights He'll take the train with me and hush me with tea when I was upset,
Invite me to his home for a movie
And I'll meet his furry pet.

Perhaps I am glad I havent gotten any- that my fantasies were nothing but slumber.
For I don't think I could come with anything I needed, nothing I could actually muster.
I can do nothing but wish by future half is waiting on the clock,
Counting down the time till it'll eventually stop,
Till an alter is met or smiles align,
Till the ring doesn't matter as much as the sunshine.

- sept9.23
© Aayra owned