

whisper of the wind
In whispers soft, the wind takes flight,
A gentle dance in soft moonlight,
It weaves through trees with a tender grace,
Whispering secrets across the space.

Through fields and valleys, it softly sighs,
Carrying tales 'neath starlit skies,
A messenger of ancient lore,
Whispering tales of days of yore.

It rustles leaves in a playful jest,
Caressing flowers in nature's nest,
Its voice is hushed, a soothing balm,
A lullaby of the world's calm.

It kisses cheeks with a gentle touch,
A fleeting whisper that means so much,
Carrying dreams from afar away,
In the hush of night and light of day.

Oh, whisper of the wind so dear,
You carry the echoes of hopes sincere,
In your gentle breath, we find release,
A symphony of serenity and peace.