

fireworks 🎇
Time to lit up the Sparks,
it lights up the Neverending dark,
as we look up and see the Stars.
Clearing out the Festivities,
cheering and see them exploding,
as confetti rains down on us all.

lots of fun 思い出と笑い
(memories and Laughs)
as we enjoy and clap out hands,
(far away as we dream)
about our future and beyond,
to me..

Lit the Gentle colorful FIREWORKS!
they clash out and Endure,
We Face the Difference
as they softy Scattered,
going and seeing and Embrace
we laugh and enjoy, so much more,
(all things must come to an end)
my 心臓常に輝きます、そして再び
(heart always glow and again)
as we both see the Fireworks explode,
in the starry night sky..
~ Tristin ❤️
(p.s: deadly pic I took)

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