

There's a lot I loved about you
But a great absence was always found after you
Promises were always broken
Words with little meaning sometimes spoken
Did you know I thought the world revolved around you
Spinning on its axis there you were Dad
You worked extremely hard
Harder than the average man
I saw her get lonely
I saw her crying sometimes
A world of things probably on her shoulders
As you both grew older
I saw the pain as you joked about her not being your mother
I saw her lonely often as you went on yet another business trip
Then one day your life was over
and the absence grew much larger
I saw her fall apart
I tried to be a shoulder
But looking back I wonder
Was it worth it Dad?
Was it worth all the long hours
Was it worth all the honey I'll be home later
Was it worth all the broken promises you made to me even?
Im not sure I can understand how it was
Maybe you can explain to me how making your wife lonely was for the best
Now I detest anyone's broken promises see they remind me of you. I love you but I hated what you did. There were things I never spoke of things I should have said so when the worse thing happened that could to a little girl I never said a word. After all how was I supposed to when you shut me out. So when I was molested I kept it in silence for 8 years. I never told you dad but then again you often weren't there. Work was real important. And sure we had everything. But there's a part of me that died from hiding that to look perfect. The world caved in. I carried it silently pretending to be fine. You never knew about it Dad because I never had the time to confide with you. And so when I was finally 16 you had been dead many years I finally spoke about it to the one person that was always in my life your widowed wife. Still people promise me things and every time they break them I remember you. I remember the disappointment of you never being at alot of things. The trips you promised to spend time with me on. The longing just to have you around. So Dad I do wonder was it really worth it? Giving your life away?
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