

Unapologetic Embrace...
Stop apologizing for your emotions,
For they are the colors of your soul,
The hues that paint your existence,
In shades of joy, sorrow, and the unknown.

When tears flow like gentle rain,
They nourish the soil of resilience,
Each drop a testament to your strength,
A map leading to your heart's brilliance.

Anger, too, has its purpose,
A fire that burns away injustice,
Let it roar, unbridled and fierce,
igniting change, awakening purpose.

And fear? Oh, sweet companion,
It whispers caution in your ear,
But don't let it chain your wings,
For courage blooms when fear is near.

So stand tall, unapologetically,
Embrace the symphony of your feelings,
For within vulnerability lies power,
And authenticity is the truest healing.

Let your heart sing its melody,
A chorus of hope and resilience,
And know that you are not broken,
But beautifully human, in all your brilliance.

© bearwolf101