

You are the best
You are the best, my dear,
No need to listen to what others say.
For they do not see the beauty within,
That shines brighter than any sun ray.

You are strong and full of grace,
A force that cannot be tamed.
Don't let their words bring you down,
For you are a gem that cannot be shamed.

They may try to dim your light,
With their words of doubt and fear.
But you are a flame that cannot be extinguished,
For you are meant to shine, my dear.

So don't listen to their words,
That try to bring you down.
For you are best just the way you are,
A queen with a golden crown.

You are unique, one of a kind,
A masterpiece in this world.
Don't let anyone dim your shine,
For you are a precious pearl.

So stand tall and be proud,
Of the person that you are.
For you are best, my dear,
And nothing can change that, by far.

So let their words fall like rain,
And wash away with the tide.
For you are a shining star,
That will continue to rise and shine.

Remember, my dear,
You are best just the way you are.
No need to listen to what people say,
For you are a shining star.

© nusrataijazlaway