

I don't know
I'm neither happy nor sad
I'm neither feeling lazy nor zealous
I don't know what to do
But my to-do list has a long queue

Can't smile and laugh
I'm not in sorrow, just alive
I am at a loss for words to express myself
I'm not in emotionless I just can't describe it

No movies or series can change my mood
No funny videos can burst me into laughter
No sad stories can make me cry
Just breathing for the unknown

Not unmotivated not even in the opposite
Not feeling in a neutral state
I don't know which side has a big percent had eaten me
"I don't know" was all I could say

No one can understand me, even myself
No human would dare to listen
Might be there is, but I can't even tell my sanity
Isolating my inclination to anyone

Can't be considered being stressed or depressed
Kneeling down is the best option
Called His name to ask for an answer
My ambience just changed immediately

© ugma
Note: I do not own the image.