

Girls Gone Wild
Prince, Cornell and Bennington tried to
tell us...
There's something gone wrong with
the people in Hollywood.
When they got big some people got
Those are the cats that are up to no good.

You think it stops at Weinstein or Spacey?
Give it more thought and think again.
Jimmy Saville thought your children were tasty.
Jarod from Subway's your friend.

The dog has gone insane and rabid,
Corrupt and perverted to the bone.
Didn't listen when Pink Floyd had said,
Teacher, leave those kids alone.

An industry gunning for our youth,
The truths too hard to swallow.
We really don't need any more proof,
there's plenty of breadcrumbs to follow.

We dont need no indoctrination.
We don't need to sell our souls.
No thoughts of freedom from an
internment camp.
Millions buy into the lie at the poles.

Politicians and businessmen...
Taking Maxwell's call.
All in all we're all just corporate
bricks in a crumbling wall.
Better hide the evidence,
They've taken over City Hall.
Take a plane to this address,
The Lolita Express takes em all.

Girls Gone Wild on Epstein's Island...
Coming to you this fall.

Hashtag me too... Thousands of
women yelling at us, I guess it
wasn't loud enough to wake you
people up.
If you had a clue... You would all
demand justice. Millions of Americans
at the District of Columbia.

The perversion don't stop at Biden
or Obama. Hell, even Regan liked
his midnight call boys.
I hope this version isn't bringing too
much drama but these vampires have
left me no choice.

Flog the children, burn and stab them,
Steal the essence of their soul.
Cause the fear. Adrenaline mixed in
the blood in the sacrificial bowl.

For centuries they have been exploiting
the youth, tainting what was once hallowed.
I say we bring back tooth for a tooth,
hang all these sick bastards from gallows.

We dont need no false interpretations.
We don't need to hear what we already know.
No thoughts of treason from either side
of the political camp.
Billions die as A.I. still grows.

From the Royals to the Vatican.
Take your masters call.
All in all you're all just crumbling
bricks in Satan's wall.
It couldn't be more evident.
You can hide behind your mask or shawl.
I'm calling out this cesspool of
demons at the Bohemian monsters ball.

Try em before you buy em, you can dress
them up just like a doll.
Girls Gone Wild on Epstein's Island...
Coming to you this fall.

Written by: Michael W. Taylor
February 1st. 2023©
© Michael W. Taylor