Victorious and valiant
Light the lamps for the king returns,
Victorious and valiant,
In an eternal battle with,
A ten headed enemy...
the triumph of effort,
a glow on the face....
what!!a feeling of relaxation
a different phase,
to lead a thousand troop...
just like a lion
what a graceful act
no words for define
hope for a every mother
that he protect her child,
may be an anxious hero
may be he became wild...
to hold his sword 🗡️
in a furious way
he shine as a fire
and a hopeful ray
after a victory of battle
after overcome his enemy,
he win his trust...
and feel so pride ❣️❣️❣️💕#writco #writco app#writcoquote#king #enemy #writcopoemprompt 40
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