

A letter to a dear friend~ CG
The years might pass on leisurely,
The tears might dryup unknowingly
But how could I ever forget you?
Someone so dear and own to me;

Bestie ,your memories ever fills me
Though we know not each other's about
But will you ever ask the stars about me?
Will you ever see me in their glory;

Were we meant to be apart?
Why would they want us together not?
My heart longs for your hugs,
And my ears to hear you once more;

Bestie your words still haunts me
When you'd tell I dare not come
Near your cadaver or shed a year,
For your hands may not be able to wipe them;

But will I ever meet you again?
Will I ever see you again?
Then till that Golden day,
I'll always think of you.

© Daffodils