

A lover's complaint
love do you serve humanity identically
if you do,why disfavour me distressingly
Love do you nourish hearts with a fine
if you do, why starve mine
Love,at mankind do you smile
if you do,to me why so hostile
Love do you give freedom to mankind
If you do, why cage me blind
Love do you protect people from holes
if you do٫ why propel me down with rapture goals
love do you create happiness
if you do٫ why dip me in depression and loneliness
Love do you care people's feeling
if you do, why mine you killing
Love do you speak openly in and outside
if you do٫ why portray me your mendacious side
Love do you come with a bright light
if you do, why place me in sombre environment
Love people do you strengthen
if you do٫ why me you tail off so often
Love do you know that am still healing
From the wounds that you caused and paining
Love do you know that my brain you made it weak
And am struggling to do fruitful talk
Love, I can't dwell in your injustice kingdom
Am reaching out to a judge with wisdom
I deserve my rights all the time
And have it lifetime
Enough of shedding tears
And night of fears

© zeyd_Burash