

Land of misery
In the land of misery, lays her soul.
Broken by the ones she loves.
Unbeknownst to her, the path of her destruction lays in the land of misery.
She tried to listen to her demons but it was silent eerily.

Bounded by the shackles of her pains.
Not letting her ankles break free.
For she knows, the vigorous souls won't let her break free.

She embraced her miseries,
Dancing with her demons in the midst of her agony.
As her demons began to give her more joy in the midst of her chaotic state.

Pains cling onto her heart in a small place, letting the fire of hatred burn in her.
For she's determined to take down her captors, and let them bleed fire.

But deep beneath her she knows, her scars would forever be there.
And pains would never leave her.
She knows she would forever remain in the land of misery, for it is part of her soul.
© kaya N

#kayaN #landofmisery #pain #demons