

They eat away my insides
They make me stand in front of my mirror
Each day for hours
I stay up nights
Scrolling one perfect girl after another
Their perfect bodies
Their perfect faces
Their flawless skin
That hourglass body
Made to be flaunted
Makes me feel taunted
I wear clothes twice my size
Each passing day my consciousness grows
They run through my mind
But there are millions like me instead
Fat shaming, skinny shaming still spreads
Insecurities isn't funny
The girl you 'jokingly' called a cow
Is skipping meals now
The girl you 'jokingly' called a matchstick
Layers herself with clothes twice her size
I don't find flaws but I find so much beauty
The fat ones
The thin ones
The ones with acne
The ones with big noses
The ones with the curves
The short ones
The tall ones
The girls
The boys
The gays
and theys
Everyone who breathes
Everyone who feels
Everyone who doesn't body shame
To everyone who find themselves to blame
I find beauty in you

~Arpita Satpathy
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