

Siempre Para Adelante
The very heart of Spain, where passion resides,
Dances Señora, with poise she glides.
Her eyes, like fireworks, sparkle with fire,
A radiant soul she reveals, to drown the ebb
As she moves to the rhythm, her desires inspire.

La Señora's gown, adorned in vibrant hues,
glows like gold, each movement she shews.
Her body sings, a symphony in motion,
telling stories untold, to every emotion.

La Señora, a dancer, a muse of amusement,
Her looks outshines, like a burning star so bright.
In her realm of motion, she reigns supreme,
A passionate testament to the power of dream

#passion #muse #Beautiful #artistic #dance #Emotion
© Tђєє ⓞrเginɑl🩸