

In the same street again
Walking down the same street
to find myself where I begin—
and where I first commence;
in the same street again.
I'm too weary and consumed,
by those people who feigned,
by those people who pretend,
and those people who make me assume.

Walking down the same street—
to find myself where I begin—
and where I first commence,
in the same street again;
I'm fed up and stopped begging
for attention, and pleasing to a person's whim,
I'll forge my own path, no longer pretending,
to fit into a mold that's never been my skin.

But walking down the same street again
I grasp my truth and I let it shine,
no longer burdened by others' deceit,
I'll rise and walk— to make this street cordially mine;
to find myself where I begin—
and where I first commence;
in the same street again.

© G. E.G. Martinez