

As I Let Go Of Love
We met in a clearing, so full of love and happiness
Now alone in a darkened room is where I grieve
I had thought for certain you and I'd last forever
Never woulda thought I'd be the one my heart deceived.
Surrounded by ripped up pictures spread upon the floor
A hopeless attempt to forget some of the memories
Knowing good and well that the soul could never forget
Also knowing until I can slow the rest of pain, you'll haunt my dreams.
I find that all the same questions continue to echo
Like, how could this be and why is it I wasn't enough
Why is this pain so deep when it was over long ago
And will there ever come a time ever again my heart'll let my soul be touched?
We met almost 41years ago and were so full of love and joy
So how did it fall apart, or was it an illusion just an evil trick
Forever seemed so real back then and I only pictured it with you
But when I remember the pain thatwas caused I get deathly sick.
Now I welcome the rain as dark clouds quickly gather
I pray that it floods and washes all memory of us far away
So that maybe both heart and soul can someday heal
And with it gain a chance for happiness before I reach the grave.
I never would have imagined someone I loved could bring such pain
And destroy the parts of me they swore to always protect
But I can say that it was truly a revolutionary eye opener
Teaching me I deserved so much better, a lesson I'll never forget.
I guess I should have caught on in the beginning
But I guess along with being blind, it seems love also isn't very smart
It keeps you holding on tightly; always hoping its real
And even when its clear its hopeless, we still search within the dark.
Always holding on to the faith that things will somehow change
Hoping and praying the one you love will grow to love you too
And a broken heart takes some time to heal after its over
Often making one such as myself feel as if nothing will stop the gloom.
We met in the courtyard when we were young and full of life
Now in the graveyard all alone amongst the headstones I say goodbye
I close my eyes then open them and stare out in
And I promise, myself it will get better just as I begin to cry.

                 July 30,2020.

© Hailey Raine