

The Truth
It took months of attempts
to free myself from the smothering
confinement of love and progressiveness.
I escaped only to be found
in yet another imprisonment.

Finally after years,
I realized that love
is yet but another realm of confinement.
So I moved on
in hopes of getting rid
of the blocks of incarceration
I had carried since existence.

As time passed me by
like tiny molecules of dust.
I faulted and longed
for the feeling of self preservation
that once engulfed me
as I layed locked away
from the conscious world
inside my cubicle of illucid existence.

But suddenly once again
I realized that I must free myself,
so I mentally digressed.

Time and time again
I found myself in some sort of confinement limiting my actions, thoughts, and emotions.

But then I awoke
to the truth that life
is but one confinement after another.

© X Poet