

Man suffers from Mankind.
With all the rules and laws imposed,
Still leeways and sidewalks appear.
Where is the right place for the right thing,
Who knows but not you.

You're in the middle of the juxtaposition
Of images and voices leaving you confused,
Appropriate or not, appreciated or not.

Children and adults alike,
Have eyes they cannot close.
What is already imprinted in those minds
You will never get to see,
Unless there's an X-Ray machine.

Then why is there an effort to look sane,
When everything's going maniacal.
You never get a clarity..
But accept that the world is a chaos as it is.

Man is the most afraid of the other man.
Suffers from man-made plots.
Running on a hamster-wheel in a cage,

You can break free from these refractions..
And erase the slate clean.
When you decide to stop suffering,
And shut your eyes, if need be..