

As we walk the aisle
As we walk the aisle, hand in hand,
Our hearts beat as one, united we stand,
The world fades away, and all we see
Is the promise of love, forever to be.

The aisle before us, a path to our fate,
Our journey together, we eagerly await,
With each step we take, our love grows stronger,
And our bond deepens, no longer a wanderer.

The music plays, a sweet serenade,
As we walk the aisle, our love displayed,
The eyes of our loved ones, glistening with tears,
As we pledge our love, for all our years.

The altar awaits, our destiny near,
As we vow to love, to hold, and to cheer,
In good times and bad, our love will endure,
As we walk the aisle, our love forever pure.

So let us cherish this moment in time,
As we become one, our love divine,
Together we'll face whatever may come,
As we walk the aisle, our journey begun.