

He wore a grimace
so religious and infectious
that augur darkened days

Hearts throbbed
at the sound of his boots
eyes sparkled with anger
as the spell of fear
wearied impeccable souls

Gush of pains
saluted this sullen morn
as many sank
pitifully in praises of defeat

Come on all you ghost
of the bruised continent
and resuscitate lost virtues
sparkle the land once more
with the comeliness of Africanism
And true politicking

Illuminate this land
the continent for the future
now doused with awkward curses
crowned with immoral pollution
strangulated by backwardness
and caged by selfish desires

Permeate the gleams of hope
into the pores of the land
so the black culture erodes
these dilapidating walls of stagnation
naked ambitions and greed

© Enoh Eyong Ernest