

Letter to Mr Whiteman
_A letter to the White Men_

Hello Mr White Men
Being black does not mean we are inferior
Being black does not mean we are not equal
Being black in nature does not mean we don't have right to life.

We are black because we are strong
We are black because we are created being black.
We are black because black is beautiful.
We are black because we are born equal.

Mr White Men
On whose wisdom did you build your country?
On whose Brain did you boost your economy?
When you know we are not equal, why did you explore us and our Natural and minerals resources
You bring pain to us in the name of civilization
You make us lose regard for our culture and tradition.

You called us Ape yet we build your economy
You called us monkey yet you are interested in our talents
You learned our culture, you learned our languages
You learned our skills yet you say we are inferior.
How ignorance are you?

We are equal
We are the same
We are giving birth to in the same way.
No one is superior to another.

You don't kill us like a chicken
You don't hunt us down like a deer
We are God's chosen people.
We are talented, we are strong.
We are blessed African.

We are create the same way.
African say no to Racial discrimination
I say no to Racial discrimination.

Subuloye Timileyin Samuel
Authority D'Writer