

Find Me In The Ruins

Find me in the ruins of a girl misunderstood
When everyone around her found pleasure in her pain, she enjoyed tormenting herself.
And with her past, with her future, she built a castle of misery.

In her castle she waited for words of love and touch of understanding.
She gave without keeping track
She loved without tying strings
But all she had for company were a ghostly breeze and dried up leaves from yesterdays long gone.

One by one she pulled out the bricks,
Took a step back to swing an axe forward
Cutting all the walls and bridges.
With every blow she cracked
She bled and broke her bones.

Her ears strained for consolation
Her eyes searched for compassion
Her skin yearned for a warm embrace
All she had by her side was the deafening noise of silence.

Now I'm cold, I'm tough
There ain't a cell in me with love
I'm alone, I'm tough
Like a pheonix from ashes,
I rise from the ruins of a girl misunderstood.
© 𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖙𝖍𝖆

#TheUnrequitedLove @writco