

The Ex and The Oh
In the beggining you were a sinful pleasure that made me feel good. As I grew to know you I became more dependent on you. I woke up one morning and thought I couldn't live without you.

I knew you were were dirty and I knew you were killing me inside but when people tried to tell me about you I told them they didn't know you like I did, they didn't know me. You took up my time and money and in the end I couldn't remember why I got with you in the first place.

I tried quittin you a thousand time but always wound up going back to your stank ass. But I'm stronger than that, I value myself more than any pleasure you ever gave. I know I have to see you every day and others will enjoy your pleasures but I can take it.

Your a bitch, a liar and a bringer of pain. I know you'll try and tempt me but I'm out, I'm done. They'll always be a part of me that wants you but I've moved on to better things.

Sincerely not yours
