

Alice, who got saved
#fairytale #rewritten #forever
The smile and hope silently prevailed, as it was the only thing meant to be,
Days went by, long and dragging
Nights ended before wishing for it to last,
She thought everything happened for a cause, this is how it will be
She stumbled in to a hole, thinking it's just another phase that wouldn't last
For she never felt that meant anything or belonged to anywhere
But much to her surprise she was held by two,
For the wondering Alice she is, found her White Rabbit and Cheshire Cat.
They made her laugh, they gave reason to smile
They had her back, they kicked her ass
They gave her love, they together bickering gave headache
They taught her mistakes happen, they taught her to own it up
They taught they are never enough, they are prone to vanity
But how could they know?
Only this Alice knows how important The White Rabbit and Cheshire Cat in her story,
For without them she would have wandered off with no destination
For now she knows Murphy's law,
For now she knows her silence shouldn't last,
Writing this to them, she smiles cheekily rubbing her hands together as she thinks
They are stuck with her forever.