

The Arborial Mother's Secret
She called out to me. Silently.
I heard her clear whisper from afar.
In my inner ear she soft did speak where no sound comes to jar...

I looked up and saw the bird.
The wizard raven found my eye.
Follow me, she thought and I heard.
Follow me, follow me when I fly....

On dark wings she led me to a lonely path into the forest of long ago -
An ancient arboreal reality lost in time that still exists today quite so.

A black adder sunning herself on the trail - a dark shimmering snake!
This shining serpent must be bridged on the journey I am to make ...

On crossing I heard her voice again - Deep between the trees it came ...
Come. Come to me. I knew then that nothing would ever be the same!

Over mushroomed trunks & under clivia laden boughs I scrambled ...
On mossy log I crossed many a stream
I was the dreamer living this dream.

She lived deep, so deep in dampness of the shivering silver forest mists
Where moist droplets met not much light on the long creeping twists.

In the swirling gloom I saw an ancient arboreal crone - she who had once a ripened womb ...
A chromleh of offspring encircled her. Bowing towards her such lingering love they did consume.

My eyes set on this "Wonderboom" -
One who was to me a total mystery.
I smiled with respect at this olden tree.
I knelt humbly with her before me.

I listened in silence to the quiet voice: Greetings to you dear child!
There's a gift for you, do stay a while.
Stay a moment to hear what I know
Then on to a good mission you'll go.

She spoke of elder ones of the past -
The great tall trees whose lives had now been almost completely lost!
The network of balm the biggest held
Is dying fast as they're cruely felled!

"They used to ring our Gaia's sphere -
Mighty trees that neutralised fear
Disease they continuously kept at bay.
Protecting all life - come what may.

Humanity will suffer from this plight
Demise will come, if you don't fight
To protect the ones who've power -
The tall trees who know what's right!"

Between us there was an anticipation
I contemplated what she had just told me about her very nation ...

My heart just ached & I began to cry.
I knew that there was little I could try.
A time's coming when we will die!

I felt the ancient One's energy change.
She then said something strange:
Look there next to the shady pond -
Go find a gift for you in that range.

I clambered beneath the low branch
And lo! A shape emerged as by chance
I lifted it out of the dark brown mud.
A twisted rope or sash perchance?

I knew to wash it in the dappled pool.
It was a belt of wound coloured wool!
I wrung it out, stretching it with a pull
Red, blue and white entwined to full!

Interconnections, I reminded myself.
She beckoned me back unto herself:
Remember this till the time is nigh
Tell the story of the great tree's self!

The salvation of your kind lies herein
Spread the news to both kith and kin:
Please reconnect to the trees, dear one,
This is the only way to again begin...

A partnership must be rekindled
As kindred spirits you are remingled
In strength let's grow together again
In synergy renewing what's dwindled!

Indiana - 13th July 2020.

(This was a real experience I had years ago in the Magoeboeskloof Arboreal Forest.)

© Indiana vdw