

#124. In by the lockers
(note: the 90s and early 100s were not that good, also before I started identifying as what i do now so...)

You were the first girl
That was more than just a friend
You were my first something
The teachers they never knew
And the girls that were our friends before that
Looked at us as tho we were crazy
I suppose in a way we were a little mad
And I was nonetheless delighted to be so
Because it was a short sweet beautiful innocent madness
Sharing the loving embrace of a hug
Holding hands in by the lockers where only 5 or 6 other girls could see us
A true school girl romance
Challenged by the status quo in the hole of a town
And some of those who claimed to care about us looked away or dismissed us
Just for being who we were and together
But I always cared for you
Even if I never showed it in the typical way
You were the star in that chapter of my story
And a light that shines to me even now
My friend to something more and back again
You were the prologue to a whole new book
And the last part of a realization
Of everything I had previously failed to see
All in just a short month
You changed my entire perspective
My world
Thank You for opening the door one last bit
And letting me see
Through it