

Ain't you know

Pieces of glass
reflects the skies ,
i wonder why it sucks
all the blue above my head !

darken the room,
I left me abandoned
within the useless dust,
i wonder for the present of sun
from the brick cracks !

Silence is solace,
existence is scary
i wonder when it ask few questions
which doesn't have an answer !

life is indeed a race,
a race behind a race !
is to escape or to prove
again it's is more complicated than Life !

I learnt to die to live ,
is it a sacrifice or is it my cowardness
is it a necessity or is it an excuse
nothing is found in the lost lose!

then why are you roaming in the
graveyards of past ,
whom you waiting when the soul even left to hell or heaven!

too late is too late,
not even the seconds shall wait you
hence past a place,
learn to accept it .

present is where you have to work out
to connect the failures with new success
to hope for the harvest of hardwork,
don't your tears deserve atleast this ?

what's the cost of your dreams,
ain't the pain of losing is it's cost ?
if so you have every right to find it once again
and don't you know life is designed to restart at anytime,at any point with any cost !

© memories_neverlie