

Chains of My Heart ⛓️⛓️⛓️❤️
Chamber of darkness 

Black as midnight, with no shining light 
There is no shining light of hope for my imprisoned heart 

My heart is a prison

My heart is bound by the chains of heartbreak and pain ❤️⛓️⛓️⛓️💔😔😔😥😥😥

My heart is in chains ❤️⛓️⛓️⛓️

Heartbreak and pain remain; in my heart, it rains

My darkest days were filled with dark gray clouds and sadness

Dark gray clouds of rain and somber blues 

No moon and stars to light up my world 

My heart is painted with darkness and sadness

Hope seems lost for my broken heart

Candles burning bright, shining light and hope into my heart and soul 

Angels sending out flares—flares of hope and salvation 

Hope is the key that unlocks the chains and locks them to my heart ❤️🔑🔐⛓️⛓️⛓️❤️

The chains of my heart are broken by the candle flames of hope

Poem written by: Brett Strotman 📝 

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