

Final wish:
Most of our vitalities(lives) are based on the way, that we express our sorrow, happiness, and every sentiment here, as this platform gave us few friends who really know well how to appreciate our writings. Most of your writings empowered me when I feel low, and the surprising notifications you guys rock me with❤ are breathtaking, you are breathtaking! And I'm still amazed on how the way you portray your life in a beautiful set of words! and beautiful minds too! I wish I could hug you all! Even if days play badly with you, know that I'm here fr you❤. You are the reason why I'm still running this app! Happy World Poetry day ❤❤ my best buddies! Haven't tagged anyone here, but you guys know who you are❤ And I wanna be the final person who wishes you this day🍀. You guys compose your tone of words which tomorrow turns to be your life diary! this poem is my reward for you.

"Beautiful, Beautiful soul
Your soul is what I adore!
As your phrases smoothly combine
Lantern be yours, but proud be mine!"

© fredicancompose